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  • Bend Over Boyfriend and the Art of Pegging

    Bend Over Boyfriend and the Art of Pegging

    Bend Over Boyfriend and the Art of Pegging   You have probably heard of “pegging” before, which is why you have found this page.Maybe you are interested in knowing what it is, or would even like to explore this with your partner. Cool!Because, we are here to give you all the information you need to get started. What is Pegging?   Wikipedia says that,...
  • Beginners Guide to Anal Pleasure

    Beginners Guide to Anal Pleasure

    How to do Anal Play Safely and Which Toys to Use Not so long ago, anal sex was a taboo topic and many US states outlawed it as an act of sodomy. Today, anal sex is legalized in most states, as the Supreme Court shot down the antiquated sodomy act in 2003. Both men and women can enjoy immense pleasure from anal sex ,...
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