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Give your prostate some love.

Whether or not you have experienced the joys of a prostate orgasm, it’s worth thinking about your prostate.

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, and-- no wait, don’t go anywhere! We promise this isn’t what you think. Here at Healthy and Active, we prefer to keep anal exploration sexy and fun, so before you start imagining your doctor’s face and the snap of a latex glove, let’s get one important myth out of the way:

“The American Cancer Society continues to recommend PSA but doesn't require the rectal exam,” says Dr. Ryan P. Terlecki of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. Rather than a DRE, or digital rectal exam, your doctor can run a PSA test, which measures the level of prostate specific antigens in your blood. See, no big deal! Just an innocent, non-invasive blood test.

Now that we’ve calmed the fight-or-flight instinct, hopefully you’re feeling a little more into the ever-so-radical idea of living a long, healthy life. Over 99 percent of males survive prostate cancer when it is caught early, so getting screened at the appropriate age is crucial.

So when should you get tested? Most studies find that male-bodied people should have their first test between 40 and 50 years old . It’s important that you talk to your health care provider about your specific risk factors, which can include family history and race (for instance, African-Americans are considered to be at the highest risk), to decide when it’s time to start getting regular tests. “Regular” meaning every 1-2 years depending on those risk factors.

We know, we know! There’s that stereotype that you guys don’t like going to the doctor. It’s cold and it smells weird and some cute nurse has to find out how much you weigh… But just imagine how much sex you could fit into the rest of your life, how much you love getting naughty with your partner, the feel of your own hand, or maybe even a bit of prostate play… and then take this into consideration:

About 1 in every 7 males is diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.

Thanks to organizations that are devoted to spreading information, getting people tested, and advancing research and treatment, lives are being saved.

Your prostate is meant to be enjoyed!

If you haven’t realized this by now, get yourself a prostate massager and you can thank us later.) Don’t neglect it. If you’re in the 40-50 age bracket, talk to your doctor about the PSA test. And if you’re gonna be a big baby about needles… well, there’s always another option!

Your prostate is meant to be enjoyed! (If you haven’t realized this by now, get yourself a prostate massager and you can thank us later.) Don’t neglect it. If you’re in the 40-50 age bracket, talk to your doctor about the PSA test. And if you’re gonna be a big baby about needles… well, there’s always another option!

We are donating 10% of September sales of the new Maverick gyrating & vibrating prostate massager towards ending prostate cancer.

So get yours now and give back while you get off!

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